Monday, January 11, 2016

Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People

Three Fundamental Techniques 
in Handling People
Technique 1: Don't criticize, codemn or complain.

Reflection: To not criticize is to be open minded and to accept things the way others want. To not be judgemental towards others. To accept others opinions and to be free of opinions. Never to be rude or impolite. Or to be critical about everything. It is wrong to be rude towards others and it is always better to me polite and never have a negative attitude.

Quote: "If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive."

One way I will put this into my life is to be polite towards opinions and people. Then to never be rude against persons opinions and statements.

Technique 2: Give honest and sincere appreciation

Reflection: To be honest is to be open minded and bold. Also to be sincere you have to be honest and bold. If you are the opposite of tha you would be a liar or a rude person rather than someone who is being honest. To appreciate someone they must have done something in order to help you or guide in a way. Giving appreciation is noticing that someone helped you and you are trying to say thank you. That will help a lot in the friend relationship and also help the relationship of your companion.

Quote: "The big secret in dealing with people."

I will put this into my daily life by applying it to my friends and family. Also to be very friendly and kind to one another. I'll never be rude because that will ruin the friendship in many way.

Technique 3: Arouse in the other person an eager want.

Quote: "He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot, walks a lonely way."

Reflection: To arouse in the person is to be interested in the other persons wants. To be observant in the person and their likings. One way to not do this is to be ignorant or only rant on yourself rather than the other person. Also to always be the person who is always interested in the other person you are talking to or talking about. It is always better to bloat about the person rather than yourself.

One way I would put this into my daily life is to apply it to my friends and family and to put it to use everyday. To never be ignorant of others and to never be conceded.

Final Reflection:
These techinques can a help a person to be a better person and teach them to be more than what they are rather than to bring themselves down. These techniques have taught me to be a better person to myself and to others. It has also taught me to be very kind and understanding towawds others rather than being mean and abusive. I will apply this to my every day life to make new friends and to be very kind and helpful with other people.

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