Friday, June 10, 2016

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation
  1. I liked that this class was fun and easy with the programs.
  2. I didn't like about the class of how we read the notebook for too long.
  3. I recommend to have more programs to work on it.
  4. My highlight was the scratch program and how you can do anything on it.
  5. I did do my best in this class because I enjoyed working with others and also working on projects.
  6. I am reading my Life Planning Goals everyday in my house and everyday of the week.
  7. Yes I am because CTR has shown me how it is better to do the right than to do the wrong things.
  8. I learned different rules in life and I will pass it on to my family and friends.
  9. I will always remember the way the internet works and how the system is positioned in everyday life.