9 Ways to be Happy and Make something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
- Be Grateful
Reflection: To be grateful is to be accepting of others. Also to be gracious towards things. Can also be open minded and not be criticizing. Also can be to have gratitude every day.
Quote: "I'm looking forward to the future, and feeling grateful for the past." - Mike Rowe
2. Be Smart
Reflection: To be smart is to have intelligence over things. To have a specific way of viewing things. To be smart is to be wise and having experience over things and about things.
Quote: "Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things." - Byron Dorgan
3. Be Involved in Good Works
Reflection: To be involved in good works is to be doing good things. To be involved in good deeds. To choose the right from wrong. Then to behave the right way rather than the wrong way. One example is when you have an interest in something and its a good deed rather than a bad deed.
Quote: "Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest." - Mark Twain
4. Be clean
Reflection: Being clean can be behaving in a certain way. Such as having a clean attitude or having a clean perspective of things. Another way of being clean is having your life in order. An example can be having a straight path to success. Not having a path that is cluttered with confusion. Another way to be clean can be to have a clean way of thinking. Such as being open minded towards things. Or also not being negative towards many things.
Quote: "What after all, is a halo? It's one more thing to keep clean."
I will try to keep an open mind towards things. Keep myself from criticizing things and people. Also to have a positive attitude towards things such as opinions or recommendations.
5. Be true
Reflection: To be true is to be honest to yourself and others. To not be a liar towards others and yourself. To never commit a sin. To always have a positive attitude. Also to have an open mind on superstitions and opinions.
Quote: "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway
I will try to stop lying to people. To think of others rather than myself. Then to be open minded towards opinions and suggestions.
6. Be Positive
Reflection: To be positive is to have an attitude that others appreciate. Also to be honest and truth to yourself. To think positive is to have an open mind. Also to accept ideas or others as for what they are. Or to be a positive person in general. Do good things or questions things in a positive way. To not be rude towards others and their thoughts. Also to be agile against the opinions of others towards you or opinions towards other things.
Quote: "Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will bring out the pain." - Joseph Campbell
I will be more positive than what I am. To be positive towards and myself. Also to have a better opinion towards things rather then being rude and saying something mean about it.
I will be more positive than what I am. To be positive towards and myself. Also to have a better opinion towards things rather then being rude and saying something mean about it.
7. Be Humble
Reflection: To be humble is too be thankful or gracious to others. To be a positive person towards others. To help others if in need. Trying to be a nice person towards others. Going to charity events or recycle things that help the community. Or also to be generous towards others. Also to be polite and respectful towards others.
Quote: "The praise that comes from love does not make us vain, but more humble." - James M. Barrie
One way I can put this in to my daily life is to be humble towards a lot of things. Respect others and have appreciation towards things. To be respectful towards opinions and responses. Then to be more oving and caring than before.
8. Be Still
Quote: "Photograhpy takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding still." - Dorothea Lange
9. Be Prayerful
To be prayerful you need to be gracious about everything. To be thankful for the small things in return. To not be jealous or greedy over small or large things. Never to be rude or irresponsible with someone or something. Also to be a good person overall.
Quote: "Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening." - Mahatma Gandhi
Reflection: The 9 ways we have learned have been very helpful in my goals and everyday life. Such as getting a better understanding of people. Also being curtious over others and everyone else. To be thankful for the small things. To be never be evil or seditious towards anything or anyone. Way I will commit the 9 ways to my everday life is to include them in communicating with others or when I'm by myself.
To be prayerful you need to be gracious about everything. To be thankful for the small things in return. To not be jealous or greedy over small or large things. Never to be rude or irresponsible with someone or something. Also to be a good person overall.
Quote: "Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening." - Mahatma Gandhi